
Next Generation Science Standards logo

NGSS Websites and Resources

The Next Generation Science Standards: Standards with a purpose - From the teaching channel

Better - NGSS aligned themes, units, and lessons

Washington University in St. Louis Instructional Materials

National Science Teachers Association

Next Generation Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

  • Every NGSS standard has three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas (content)scientific and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts. Currently, most state and district standards express these dimensions as separate entities, leading to their separation in both instruction and assessment. The integration of rigorous content and application reflects how science is practiced in the real world.
  • Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are designed so as not be taught in a vacuum; the NGSS encourage integration with multiple core concepts throughout each year.

Each standard is written as a Performance Expectation - It is not a Curriculum.

  • Science concepts will build coherently across K-12. The emphasis of the NGSS is a focused and coherent progression of knowledge from grade to grade, allowing for a dynamic process of building knowledge throughout a student’s entire K-12 scientific education.
  • The NGSS focus on a smaller set of Disciplinary Core Ideas that all students should know by the time they graduate from high school.

Focus involving deeper understanding and application of content than the often fact-driven standards currently in use in states and districts.

  • Science and engineering are integrated into science education by raising engineering design to the same level as scientific inquiry in science classroom instruction at all levels, and by emphasizing the core ideas of engineering and technology.

Science = Research and Experiments - Why things happen.

Engineering - Use research to solve problems.

  • The NGSS are aligned with English language arts and Mathematics Common Core State Standards. This allows an opportunity both for science to be a part of a child’s comprehensive education as well as ensuring an aligned pace of learning in all content areas.

Performance Expectation Example

Website Links:

NGSS official Site

Bozeman Science

NGSS Android App

NGSS Iphone App

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