Food Service and Wellness

School Breakfast is a Healthy Choice. Grab and Go breakfast is available before school daily at all CUSD201 Schools.
Food Service Director
Summer meals - Available to all families with children 18 and under
See the Summer Meals Flyer for details or visit SummerMealsIllinois.
Comidas de verano: disponibles para todas las familias con niños menores de 18 años. Consulte el folleto de comidas de verano para obtener más detalles o visite SummerMealsIllinois.
Starting July 2021 and moving forward, our neighbors will have a weekly option to order food online (My Pantry Express).
People's Resource Center-Westmont will offer the My Pantry Express (MPX) program at our Westmont location. Download the brochure (también en español).
We are continuing our partnership with the Northern Illinois Food Bank to provide this service. The distribution dates will be:
Monday, July 12 1pm-3pm*done*Monday, July 19 1pm-3pm*done*- Monday, July 26 1pm-3pm
Those in need of this service can use this website: to order their food. The site can be switched to Spanish if needed.
See the PRC service brochure (en Español) for the PRC.
Resource | Phone |
Peoples Resource Center | 630-682-5402 |
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry | 630-964-0216 |
Downers Grove Food Pantry | 630-964-7776 |
Neighborhood Food Pantries | In DuPage County: 630-295-6890 |
DuPage County Dept of Community Services | 630-407-6500 |
Schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program are required to have a Local Wellness Policy. At a minimum, the Local Wellness Policy must be assessed once every three years; this is referred to as the Triennial Assessment. Triennial assessments must determine, for each participating school under its jurisdiction, 1) compliance with the wellness policy, 2) progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy, and 3) how the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies.
Our commitment to good nutrition for children keeps getting stronger!
We are serving healthier meals to our kids.
Well-nourished kids do better in school.
District 201 participates in the National School Lunch Program providing meals that are planned in accordance with National nutritional guidelines established by the USDA.
School Breakfast - served daily
School Breakfast meets new standards to ensure students start their day with the nutrition they need to succeed. Grains served with school breakfast must be whole grain or whole-grain rich. Meals meet new calorie ranges and limits on trans-fat.
Research shows that students who start their day with a healthy breakfast perform better in school!
School Lunch
School meals meet federal nutrition standards ensuring students receive a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low fat or fat free milk each school day.
Meals also meet new limits on calories, trans-fat and sodium.
Full Lunch Meal Includes
Fruit and Vegetable Selection
Milk (Skim Choc. or 1% White)
Please visit your school’s webpage for a menu.
Food Service Department
Manning School
(630) 468-8072
Miller School
(630) 468-8319
Westmont Junior High School
(630) 468-8245
Westmont High School
(630) 468-8121