Social Work for Students

Reasons to Visit the Social Worker

  • You are feeling depressed, stressed, lost, angry, upset, overwhelmed, etc.
  • You are going through a difficult situation at home, with your friends or at school
  • You are not getting along with someone
  • You are feeling bullied
  • You are thinking about hurting yourself
  • Someone is hurting you
  • You are worried about a friend
  • You experienced the death or illness of someone significant in your life
  • You are struggling getting along with someone else
  • You feel you are in an unhealthy relationship
  • You are struggling with your sexuality
  • You feel alone or like there is no one you can talk to
  • You need advice for an upcoming situation in your life
  • You need a place to vent

Anyone can talk to the social worker!  I'm here to help.

  • I am here to LISTEN in a Safe, Non-judgemental, and Confidential setting.  What we talk about stays between you and I (unless you are talking about something that effects your safety or the safety of someone else)
  • I can offer strategies to help cope with difficult situations
  • I can help you navigate and problem-solve social or emotional concerns

Tips for Students:

  • When feeling angry, worried, or troubled, discuss your feelings with a parent, another trusted adult or a trusted friend.  Teachers, coaches, social workers, and counselors are some examples of adults who can help.
  • Find safe and healthy interests that you enjoy outside of school and home. 
  • Write down some goals for the future to help you stay focused on things that really matter.  This can help you put day-to-day problems into perspective.
  • Avoid using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; these don't help with problems and often make things worse.  Instead, think about positive ways to handle problems and the feelings that go along with them. 
  • If you're struggling with your mood, drug use, or sexuality, get help. 


(Adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics)

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